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After July 1, the supervisor is canceled!
After this new company law revision, in addition to the registered capital paid in 5 years, there is an important point is that the supervisor is canceled. In the future, you can take one ID card to set up a company.
Previously, the establishment of a one-person limited company:
Need to have two ID cards, a legal person and a supervisor.
In many start-up companies, especially the shareholders only one person in the company, the supervisor manager and legal person are in one person, in this case, the supervisor has become a false position, nothing practical.
Article 83 of the new company law now provides that: smaller or smaller number of shareholders of limited liability companies, may not have a supervisor, or by unanimous consent of all shareholders, may also not have a supervisor. If it is a one-person limited company, the shareholders are only one person, then you can decide whether you want to set up the position of supervisor.
If you just titular supervisor before, no real power, and do not want to continue to serve, then wait until July 1 after the implementation of the new company law, you can make changes, cancel the supervisor’s position.