Translation Service

In nowadays, globalisation is the way that the world is going. This is a society where information has become one of the most valuable commodities. And its effective presentation in different languages is an essential part of success in any field of endeavour. With our business belief of "Accuracy, efficiency and elegance", we offer you the translation service for technical documents such as manual book, user guide, handbook, business documents, contract, agreement, etc. We cover most of the major languages like English, Chinese, German, Japanese, etc.
With the translation services that we offer, you will find language is no longer a barrier between you and your international customers. With the translation services that we offer, you can reach out to potential clients and customers in every corner of the world.
Our Working Procedure:
The first stage is to acquire as sufficient information as possible from customers of the project, including language and special technique requirement, primary schedule, testing, etc..
Kick off Meeting for analysing documents and determine word counts. Then, a specialist reviews the source files for cost and development time. A quote is generated for the client
A base translation team completes the initial translation utilising the approved glossary
An editing team edits the initial translation for accuracy in words, expressions and culture
A separate team proofreads after base translation
A separate team proofreads. This results in a final draft, ready for client approval
The whole project is completed with all the clearance of the localisation work and the payment, duties of both parties of the project
Besides above translation service, we also provide oral interpretation for various business negotiations, exhibitions, lectures and international conference of different scales as follows:
Interpretation for business talk
Interpretation for convention or grand foreign affairs
Interpretation for business negotiations
nterpretation for news conferences or products presentation Interpretation for tourists
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